To give sick and disabled people more quality of life and to support their healing processes – that is the task of the therapeutic buoyancy collar SECUMAR 9 S, which can be used in the sphere of therapeutic baths and rehabilitation.
The company Bernhardt Apparatebau has now considerably improved this product: A new buoyancy chamber design makes it a great deal more comfortable to wear.
With immediate effect, the buoyancy chamber, worn around the neck and enabling even paralysed patients to carry out acqua-gymnastic exercises more easily in deep water, will be made from the same reinforced synthetic material as in lifejackets. The special feature: it has been possible to optimize the production method of the buoyancy chamber to such an extent that the high frequency welded seams are now turned to the inside, which means that they are no longer the irritant factor they may at times have been in the past.
As a consequence, the patient is able to lay his head and neck more comfortably on the therapeutic safety collar – he attains a more relaxed position in the water, and, in turn, this aids the healing process. Additionally, the buoyancy chamber is covered with a protective polyurethane cover, a material which is kind to your skin and does not cause allergies. Furthermore, it makes the collar resistant against cleaning and disinfectant materials as well as against additives to the water in the therapeutic bath.
The therapeutic collar thus gives people with movement difficulties a better feeling of safety, be it during their underwater massage treatment, in medical spa treatment or swimming therapy. The equipment is used by medical staff, therapists, auxiliary staff and relatives in clinics, bath spas and in the home environment. It makes the therapist’s work easier because they don’t have to constantly watch a patient. This enables them to look after several patients at once.
Bernhardt Apparatebau GmbH u. Co from Wedel has stood for innovative products for decades. Consistent research and the highest standards of quality have helped Bernhardt Apparatebau attain a world-leading position in the field of marine safety equipment and technically related products. More information by phone on +49-4103-1250. In the UK contact: Secumar UK, Tel: 01792-280545.
Buoyancy approx. 100 N, in three sizes (depending on your collar size): S: 28 – 32; M: 33 – 38; L: 39 – 43