Is there forced ventilation?

Yes. There is an opening in the canopy, in order for the CO2 produced by breathing to be released. In addition, this allows for an exchange of fresh air.

How do I have to store my lifejacket?

Several possibilities:

While sailing: Ready for use, or even better, always on the man/woman. A lot of accidents happen when peeing.

After sailing: dry, in the dark and not too warm or too cold.

Can I carry out the service myself?

To check the buoyancy chamber and the seams definitely makes sense. You should always do that before a sailing trip. You cannot service the inflation device yourself because you have not got the appropriate tools and spare parts. For this you would require the equipment which a service station has .

What kind of material is the kayak made of?

The boats consist of a double-layer-system. The inside layer is made of flexible polyvinyl chloride while the outer layer is made of highly tear-resistant coated material. This way, the boat's hull is especially protected.

Is the floor insulated?

Yes, every SECUMAR ISLAND has an inflatable insulated floor.

Is one obliged to have one´s lifejacket serviced?

If we had our say, yes. If you had the final say, that ought to be the case, too. If we go by legislation, the law is keeping out of it in this case. But if there has been an accident which was due to a lifejacket not having been serviced, then the law becomes involved again and makes it clear to the person who has no obligation to take the lifejacket for a service that it is his duty to service the lifejacket.

How long is the life time of a life jacket?

The average life time is 10 years. After that life jackets are only serviced by us at yearly intervals. When a life jacket reaches an age of 15 years, no further service is carried out.

How many chambers does the kayak have?

All SECUMAR kayaks are equipped with a double-chamber system. This is a requirement of the DIN standard.

Does the emergency pack contain food?

To call it food would be an exaggeration. However, our emergency pack does include drinking water, packaged in 100 ml bags, and emergency sea rations. In the first 24 hours after an emergency at sea, one should not consume any food or drinking water due to a shock effect. As a rule of thumb, a value of 100 ml of water per person per day later takes effect.

My life jacket has never been used and looks like new. Can I now use it without any worries after 15 years?

If you use a life jacket which is that old, you must always be aware of the possibility of failure of the inflation device or bursting of the buoyancy chamber due to OLD AGE. For safety reasons, we must suggest that you replace your life jacket. After such a long time, we also refuse to service the life jacket for safety reasons.

What does Duo Protect mean?

Duo Protect system is an inner protection for the buoyancy chamber against damage, which has a self-sealing functionality for the buoyancy chamber.

Inside the swim chamber is another airtight stretch laminate so that if the outer skin (2) is punctured the internal gas pressure will force
the inner skin (1) to overlap the hole and seal the leak.


Duo-Protect-System - a buoyancy chamber with sandwich structure, multi-layered.

Duo-Protect-System – a buoyancy chamber with sandwich structure, multi-layered.

Can I purchase the outer layer separately?

Yes. We can deliver any spare part that is needed. This includes an outer layer, an inside layer, or a seat.

Is there an emergency transmitter in the emergency pack?

No. As we do not know the regions to where people are travelling, and since the market for electronic equipment is enormous, we have deliberately decided not to include this instrument. Additionally, there is no worldwide standard for emergency transmitters.

Can I use any kind of cartridge for a SECUMATIC 3001 S?

No, that is not possible. Only specific SECUMAR cartridges with very exact volume measurements are suitable for SECUMAR life jackets. Any other cartridges might not sufficiently fill the chamber or, on the other hand, they might burst the chamber.

Can the life jacket be involuntarily inflated by rain and spray water?

No. It can however inflate prematurely if the life jacket has been exposed to high humidity over a lengthy period of time. Then it can happen that the life jacket inflates on a beautiful summer's day. The way around this:after heavy rain or after a sailing trip, replace the tablet in the inflation device.