Among lifejackets for leisure boating and professional use SECUMAR also provides a wide range of products for military use.
For our special SOF products please follow the links to read further information about each product:
SIERRA TACTICAL – Tactical life preserver with electronic multi-sensor inflation device SECUTRONIC for advanced (H)VBSS capabilities
CONTRA 150 SF – Waterproof immersion suit for all missions and work in or around water
SECUVAC – Waterproof casualty transport system for the evacuation of injured persons
Modular Tactical Diving System – Modular carrying and support system for the use with military closed-circuit diving apparatus. Consisting of RCS – Rebreather Carrying System, bouyancy comensator TSK 554, Plate Carrier, Scooter and Climbing Harness
Pack Buoyancy Aid with SECUTRONIC – Remote controlled bouyancy aid for holding equipment at the water surface or letting submerged equipment surface
ACCESS – Double-purpose brown water ops bag
Further, please find our product overviews for the different applications of military use here:
Product overview Special Forces
Product overview Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing
For further information please contact us directly.